Top 9 skin care No No's...





1. Never skip a good night’s sleep!
Although you had fun all night…
A lack of sleep can cause under-eye circles

2. Avoid washing your face with hot water!
An overheated, flushed face is never a cute look on anyone…

3. Do not burst pimples! (Even though it’s fun…)
Popping pimples can actually make your acne problems worse!

4. Refrain from over-using skin care products
Once a week, take a day where you don’t use any products on your face, including makeup and facial creams.

5. Do not forget to wear sunscreen
Just because you wear sunscreen doesn't mean you have to give up on a summer tan…
Not only during summer…

6. Not quite sleeping beauty…
Don't Sleep In Your Makeup
Not removing your makeup for the night clogs your pore and oil glands.

7. Do not exfoliate on a daily basis!
It can cause irritation or acne and make your skin look worse.

8. Avoid new skin care temptation
It may be tempting to change it up and try something new because there are so many ...
Find out what works for you!

9. Do not use soap with drying effects
Skin that is dry and parches is bad for the long-term health and look of the skin.
It's annoying just to think about Itchy skin…